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“For more than 20 years, my work has allowed me to meet artists that are simultaneously surprising, talented and reliable. For me, these men and women are an eternal source of inspiration, and are at the core of my love for art. Their work inspires, day after day, the most beautiful interiors both here and abroad.”



Guillaume Grasset

Guillaume Grasset

A universe where color constantly falls in love with shadows and lights.

Serge Drai

Serge Drai

Once the pavement is stripped away from the city to the ocean, you'll find sand!

Tommy Clarke

Tommy Clarke

His photography takes on a new point of view and depicts everything from top to bottom, abstracting the subject and creating thought-provoking works of art.

Caroline De Otero

Caroline De Otero

Caroline's photography oscillates between art, theatre, documentation and the search for a very personal universe.

Jean Pierre Porcher

Jean Pierre Porcher

The philosophy and his practice of traditional martial arts leads him to experiment with balance and imbalance, displacement, fluidity and density, all while seeking a mastery of gesture and expression. His photographic work is defined by a particular attention to...

Véronique Durruty

Véronique Durruty

Her sensorial and very personal approach to photography attracts couture and cosmetic brands, luxury hotels and high-end tour operators. She distinguishes herself by her colorist approach, her sense of detail and of the delicate balance between reality and the abstract.


Catherine Desailes

Catherine Desailes

Over the years, based on one of my "lights motiv", the one titled "making do with what we have", I have developed various techniques, specifically with liquids: water, coffee, vinegar... which I combine for their surprising reactivity, as well as certain types of ink....

Corine van Voorbergen

Corine van Voorbergen

The painting style is organic. With her experience, Corine uses different techniques while letting them move freely. She describes this style as similar to real life: dynamic, with uncontrollable circumstances and pure chemistry.

Catherine Ludeau

Catherine Ludeau

Catherine's pieces are made with epoxy resin tinted in the mixture, sometimes accompanied by oil or acrylic paint. Playing with contrasts, the glossy courts the matte, the black intensifies the white, color deepens the black. The reflections in the resin that come to...

Michel Kirch

Michel Kirch

Everything starts with traditional film photographs, from which he creates fictions that critics often refer to as "magic realism". His work was first known through large monochrome prints. Three principles drive his creations: meaning, beauty and a completely...


Mylène Mai

Mylène Mai

Son travail débute toujours par des croquis de recherche. Puis, sur un châssis spécifique réalisé à l’atelier, elle coule le plâtre sur une épaisseur de 5mm. Après plusieurs jours, le plâtre est sec, dur et prêt à être sculpté. Elle esquisse alors sur le plâtre les...

Rob Good

Rob Good

Rob uses a variety of materials and methods to create pieces that reference the natural world. His goal: to convey unlimited wonder for an ever-evolving environment.

Mapie BelGary

Mapie BelGary

Like a sculptor models their shapes or a painter applies their colors, the bronze artist works directly with metal to capture the light. She also works with other materials such as marble powder, glass, porcelain, bronze and, more recently, relief printing. Her...

Michel Bassompierre

Michel Bassompierre

In the spirit of François Pompon, Michel Bassompierre gets rid of the obvious in order to get to the essential. Favoring animals with round shapes, he achieves a form that is both soft and precise, where light never collides with shadow.

Luisa Adelfio

Luisa Adelfio

Luisa Adelfio works extensively in two and three dimensions. At the heart of her work is the exploration of the place of archetypes and symbols in the creation of cultural memory, and the transcendence of the individual through the material world to the spiritual...


Vincent Poyen

Vincent Poyen

La profondeur intérieure est un chemin.Le geste peut paraitre immédiat alors qu’il a mûri, le temps de tracer sa voie entre cœur, pensées, sensibilité, reliant ainsi les mains à l’âme.Si l’émotion n’est plus virtuelle, c’est que la vérité de nous-même s’est alors...

Maxime Perrolle

Maxime Perrolle

With each piece of wood being different, Maxime creates unique pieces by exploring the flexibility of wood. He plays with the opposition between the turned pieces, thin and light, and the more sculptural pieces, massive, of a single block, reminiscent of certain...

Yann Marot

Yann Marot

Artisan tourneur sur bois en perpétuelle recherche de la simplicité, son travail se caractérise par des lignes tendues, des formes épurées et de fines textures, un monde où la courbe est émotion. Ces dernières années, ses recherches se sont surtout portées sur le...



Specializing in woodworking, IWATA creates minimalist objects whose shapes and precision highlight the beauty of the raw material.

Benoit Averly

Benoit Averly

Wood, a material he discovered as a child, is worked in simple shapes, rarely smooth and most often covered with material effects, textures or repetitive patterns. Instinctive, the work is often done after long reflection in a flow, similar to calligraphy.

Pascal Oudet

Pascal Oudet

From carefully selected oaks, Pascal creates forms with great precision, whose structures he then reveals through sandblasting. In a constant balance between aggressiveness to wear down the material and gentleness to preserve its integrity, he goes as far as...


Slovia Roginski

Slovia Roginski

Her sketches and paintings mix formats, techniques and materials: watercolor, pencil and acrylics are confronted with handmade paper, or wood brought back from her various travels.

Cyril Destrade

Cyril Destrade

Painter and illustrator, Cyril Destrade produces original artistic creations. His personal universe is marked by a resolute optimism. He draws his artistic strength from a specific method of handling color, which bursts with...


Ranee Utopia

Ranee Utopia

All pieces are produced by experts in their field: glass blowers, carpenters, ceramists, metalworkers, cork experts, etc. in small, specialized European workshops. A Utopia & utility product passes through many hands before it is ready to be sold. Things have to...

Vanessa Mitrani

Vanessa Mitrani

With her work being built on experimentation, Vanessa explores glass work in sometimes unexpected ways. She blows it in contact with leather, porcelain, marble and fabric. Her projects, as an artist, are not only aesthetic, but also bear existential reflections which...

Arcade Murano

Arcade Murano

The Arcade collection embodies all that Italian glass art has to offer. Thanks to the sophisticated art of blowing glass, these objects go beyond the static and eternal symmetry of the vase: they bend and mold to express the energy of the movement of water or air, or...


Caroline Besse

Caroline Besse

Peintre décorateur depuis 1996, elle invente une matière, mêlant aux procédésoccidentaux la fluidité de l'encre de Chine et la peinture aux minéraux broyés sur papierwashi. Matière profonde et vivante sur laquelle la lumière rebondit de grain en grain,révélant les...

Martha Winter

Martha Winter

Having grown up with minimal art and modern architecture, her visual language of reduced form and economy. Fascinated by systems, repetition and order, she often works in series and has developed unique processes, creating pieces reminiscent of satellite imagery and...




A well-known tattoo artist, a versatile creative, and a ceramist who cultivates a mixture of arts and traditions, Po'oino works with a specific clay, Saint-Amand stoneware. The glazes he uses are developed by him and the types of firing vary from electricity to wood.



Photography, computer graphics, creation of unique works, interior design: Lysiane offers a wide range of knowledge and talents.


Luca Nuel

Luca Nuel

Self-taught, Demian's paintings and drawings express his instinctive relationship with art. At the heart of his pieces is the face, a medium of emotions that underlines how one emotion can hide another.

David Bloch Gallery

David Bloch Gallery

Bringing together some twenty emerging or established international contemporary artists, the gallery favors long-term artistic collaborations and takes a major interest in the moral convictions of the artist and their work.

Didier Chamizo

Didier Chamizo

Chamizo is inspired by the world of Rock and Fashion! Much like Johnny Depp or Keith Richards, he is a spectator of our world like a snide reporter who looks at the news and describes people with accuracy and precision. He puts severity and wit into his work...

Maxence Doré

Maxence Doré

Mixing analytical drawing and graffiti practice, Maxence asserts a finished, fine and colorful aesthetic. Like topographic or even geological maps, one can read in these oil paintings hydrographic networks, cumulonimbus clouds that intermingle and even faults that...

Natalie Vassil

Natalie Vassil

Natalie mainly uses acrylic paint, but sometimes she also uses pigments brought back from her travels. She likes to combine the journey of the subject and the memory of "elsewhere" on her canvases.


Agathe Bouton

Agathe Bouton

Through a modern approach to printmaking, I make monotypes, prints, installations, artist books, paper clothing, and paintings that play with improvisation and superimposition in their creation.  My work draws on engraving and etching techniques, and uses color that...


Bridget Johnson

Bridget Johnson

The vessels are formed using a traditional West African coiling technique. It gives greater strength to the form, helping the vessel withstand the primitive firing technique. Then refined by scraping and surfacing to further develop the shape and smooth the outer...

Sophie Luline

Sophie Luline

Au contact permanant avec la nature qui l’entoure, expérimentant sans cesse avec différentes techniques et les quatre éléments (terre, eau, air, feu), elle propose des pièces sensibles auxquelles la spontanéité de ses gestes imprime un souffle vital....

Enriqueta Cepeda

Enriqueta Cepeda

Enriqueta s’inspire de savoir-faire anciens, comme la technique indienne Pueblo qui consiste à brunir et polir les pots après la cuisson. Le concept japonais de Wabi-Sabi est également important pour ses créations, expliquant la simplicité et l'asymétrie affichés....

Anne Sophie Boulogne

Anne Sophie Boulogne

Enriqueta is inspired by ancient techniques, such as the Indian Pueblo technique of browning and polishing the pots after firing. The Japanese concept of Wabi-Sabi is also important to her creative process, explaining the simplicity and asymmetry displayed. Enriqueta...

Gaëlle Labrouche

Gaëlle Labrouche

Working around the mineral, plant and underwater worlds, and specializing in the Raku firing technique, she takes the burning ceramics out of the kiln by placing them in wood shavings so that the smoke seeps into the glaze. The origin of this firing process dates back...

Guénaëlle Grassi

Guénaëlle Grassi

The pieces made from porcelain and/or black stoneware are fired several times for a glaze, a luster, sand, glass, or gold. They can be installed or framed. Guénaëlle's work is the incessant and kinesthetic search for an exchange with the material, a composition of...

Barbara Lormelle

Barbara Lormelle

Barbara shapes stoneware and porcelain to create unique pieces, mostly decorative, sometimes utilitarian, which are then assembled in small collections.


Abdel Ammari

Abdel Ammari

Abdel is both full of ideas and very creative - he models and brings to life the 3D images for the conception or for the perspectives of architecture, design, retail, scenography and the luxury world.